Autism Spectrum (ASD)
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The CReATE evaluation for ASD is a comprehensive evaluation that includes evidence-based assessments and is focused on the individual needs of you or your child. Diagnosing Autism can be challenging which is why it is important to find a professional who has considerable expertise and experience.
Autism was once thought to be a rare disorder, but now we know it's much more common! It is a spectrum and autism can look very different from one person to another, depending on many factors - development, gender, language level, age, cognitive differences, and more.
For example, females on the spectrum can present in more nuanced ways than most males on the spectrum, sometimes ‘masking’ to try to hide their autistic traits, with detrimental effects to their mental health.
CReATE has specialized in the assessment of autism and other learning differences for over 20 years.
We know about different ways autism can present, like Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), nonverbal learning differences (NLD/NVLD), or alexithymia. Autism is a medical diagnosis, which is important for accessing services and supports. However, we also consider the social model of Autism, which conceptualizes neurodiversity as normal variations in brain development that include many strengths; challenges are conceptualized as a misalignment with traditional environments rather than deficits or limitations. In this way, an understanding of preferences and needs can better lead to the development of appropriate supports to accommodate and help autistic individuals function with less distress and dysregulation.
The CReATE evaluation for ASD is a comprehensive evaluation that includes evidence-based assessments and is focused on the individual needs of you or your child. We take a holistic approach, to go beyond a simple yes or no to autism. We want to know how you or your child learn best and we will identify or rule out other learning disabilities or attentional differences (ADHD) which commonly co-occur with autism.
We also focus on identifying strengths for neurodiverse individuals who process information differently in regard to social preferences, ways of thinking, communication style, or sensory processing.